The Best Hinged Screen Door Brands for Security 1

The Best Hinged Screen Door Brands for Security

Why Invest in a Hinged Screen Door for Your Home?

If you’re someone who loves to keep your doors and windows open for fresh air, a hinged screen door is a must-have. They’re designed to keep bugs and critters out while letting in natural light and fresh air, and they can also increase your home’s security.

What to Look for in a Hinged Screen Door

Before purchasing a hinged screen door, it’s important to consider several factors, including:

The Best Hinged Screen Door Brands for Security 2

  • Material quality and durability
  • Hardware quality, including handles and locks
  • Mesh type and quality, such as pet-resistant mesh for animal owners
  • Price and brand reputation
  • The Top Hinged Screen Door Brands for Security

    After thorough research, we’ve identified the following as the top hinged screen door brands for security:

    1. Unique Home Designs

    Unique Home Designs boasts a variety of durable hinged screen doors designed to fit any size doorway. Their doors include several security features like a triple lock system and non-removable pins for added protection.

    2. Phantom Screens

    Phantom Screens is a popular brand that’s known for producing high-quality hinged screen doors designed to fit any opening, including French doors and large openings. Their retractable screens come with a limited lifetime warranty and are available in several mesh options, including solar and insect mesh.

    3. Larson Manufacturing

    Larson Manufacturing is a well-known brand that produces hinged screen doors with patented features like a Secure Elegance lock and storm door ventilation for added home security. They also come in an array of styles and finishes to match your home’s aesthetic.

    4. PCA Products

    PCA Products offers a wide range of hinged screen doors with customizable features like pet-resistant mesh and a variety of frame finishes. They also offer a limited lifetime warranty on their doors for added peace of mind.

    5. Grisham Security Doors

    Grisham Security Doors produces hinged screen doors designed with homeowners’ security in mind. They offer a tough, steel mesh screen and a triple lock system for added protection. Their doors are also available in a variety of designs to match your home’s exterior. Want to know more about the topic discussed in this article?, packed with valuable additional information to supplement your reading.


    Investing in a high-quality hinged screen door can increase your home’s security and provide several additional benefits like improved ventilation and natural light. When shopping for a hinged screen door, be sure to consider important factors like material quality, hardware quality, and mesh type, and choose one from a reputable brand like Unique Home Designs or Phantom Screens for the best possible results.

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